Regional branches and member associations of the Domowina
Regional branches and member associations of the Domowina
Maćica Serbska z.t. (concerned with the academic study and wider appreciation of the Sorbian language, history and culture)
Towarstwo Cyrila a Metoda z.t. (association of the Roman-Catholic Sorbs)
Regional Domowina branch "Jakub Lorenc-Zalěski" Görlitz
Regional Domowina branch "Handrij Zejler" Wojerecy/Hoyerswerda
Regional Domowina branch"Jan Arnošt Smoler" Budyšin/Bautzen
Regional Domowina branch Lower Lusatia
Regional Domowina branch "Michał Hórnik" Kamjenc/Kamenz
Serbske młodźinske towarstwo "Pawk" z.t. (Sorbian youth association)
Serbske šulske towarstwo z.t. (an association for the promotion of Sorbian in education)
Serbski Sokoł z.t. (union of Sorbian sport associations)
Society for the Promotion of a Sorbian Resource Centre in Berlin (SKI)
Spěchowanski kruh za serbsku ludowu kulturu z.t. (society for promoting the Sorbian national culture)
Zwjazk serbskich rjemjeslnikow a předewzaćelow z.t. (association of Sorbian trade workers and entrepreneurs)
Zwjazk serbskich spěwarskich towarstwow z.t. (union of Sorbian choral societies)
Zwjazk serbskich studowacych z.t. (union of Sorbian students)
Zwjazk serbskich wuměłcow z.t. (union of Sorbian artists)
Spěchowanske towarstwo za serbski kulturny turizm z.t. (union for the promotion of Sorbian cultural
Bishop-Benno-House (supporting member)
The following organisations are associate members:
Association "Łužica - Sorbs and Friends of the Sorbs outside Lusatia", GERMANY
Australian Wendish Heritage Society, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Concordia University at Austin, Texas, USA
Společnost přátel Lužice Praha, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIK
Stowarzyszenie Polsko-Serbołużyckie "Pro Lusatia", Opole, POLAND
Texas Wendish Heritage Society and Museum Serbin, Texas, USA
Towarzystwo Polsko-Serbołużyckie, Warszawa, Wrocław, Poznań, POLAND
Wend/Sorb Society of South Australia, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
Supporter of the Domowina:
Educational House St. Benno, Schmochtitz
District Dahme-Spreewald
The Domowina is a member of
European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, Dublin/Brussels
Federal Union of European Ethnic Groups (FUEV), Flensburg
Society for Endangered People, Göttingen
Assoziierte Mitglieder der Domowina
Aus der Satzung der Domowina:
... (1) Die Vereine der Sorben außerhalb der Lausitz und im Ausland bzw. der Freunde der Sorben dürfen als assoziierte Mitglieder beitreten. Die Formen des gemeinsamen Wirkens werden durch Vereinbarungen geregelt, welche der Zustimmung durch den Bundesvorstand bedürfen. ...
- "Společnost přátel Lužice Praha " Prag, TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK
- Stowarzyszenie Polsko-Serbołużyckie "Pro Lusatia", Opole, POLEN
- "Towarzystwo Polsko-Serbołużyckie" Warszawa, Wrocław, POLEN
- Wend/Sorb Society of South Australia Inc., Adelaide, AUSTRALIEN
- Wendish Heritage Society Australia Inc, AUSTRALIEN
- Concordia University at Austin, Texas, USA
- Texas Wendish Heritage Society, Giddings, Texas, USA
- Texas Wendish Heritage Society and Museum Serbin, Texas, USA
- Wendischer Freundes- und Arbeitskreis e.V. Lüchow (Wendland)